PulseRoots: Electronic Music Styles Tree

Treemap Format

Explore a comprehensive collection of electronic music genres, presented in a treemap format. The map starts at the broad "Electronic Music" category, then descends into the main "Families" (Ambient, Techno, House, etc.), and further branches into specific styles and substyles.


Each genre is categorized into broader families such as Ambient, Techno, House, and Trance. These families represent shared characteristics and influences across genres.

Styles and Substyles

Within each family, the treemap showcases distinct styles and their substyles. Each of these has its own unique sound and historical significance, making it easy to navigate through the world of electronic music.

Clicking on a style or substyle will reveal more detailed information, including a brief description and a sample track to help you explore and understand each genre.

Note on Classification

This treemap represents one way to categorize electronic music genres. Other classifications could group styles differently, based on cultural, historical, or sonic perspectives.

Note on Listening to Example Tracks

If you want to listen to the full example tracks, please make sure you're logged into Spotify in your browser. If you're not logged in, you'll only be able to hear a short sample of the song, lasting just a few seconds.


Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy exploring the world of electronic music.

If you have any suggestions, improvement proposals, if you've found any errors, or just want to say 'Hi!', feel free to write to me.